Monday, July 7, 2008

Military,Overseas and confused for school

Military,Overseas and confused for school.?
Well long story short...I love my husband with my life we have been married a year and dating 6 years.. We are stationed in Germany, I was accepted into a nursing school for 12months (it lines up perfect with his deployment, so we arent apart by choice...However In order for me to go home and EROD i have to leave him in March an he doesnt deploy till June BUT he will be home in MAY where i will be in TENNESSEE for Block Leave...Everyone is telling me im selfish, he could die..and i know he could but he is going to a pretty safe area that has calmed down in Iraq (no excuse) but Im doing this degree for us , so he can go to college when his time is up and we do not financially strugle...How does that make me selfish?? I feel like im doing the right thing and so does he..I feel horrible for him having to be here 7 weeks alone but this is our future and i cant go to this school again untill Sept 09 (that means i will be away from him for 2 months after his deployment and he goes to another duty station..Am i doing the right thing?? Thanks.. We are young lol 20..High School Sweethearts all the way to middle school..Which is why i think its sooo important to get my degree right now while i have a chance to not be away from him so long. However Trust me two months is nothin to whoever left that comment..We have already spent a year apart before we got married and of course here and there tdys (for weeks to months) just needed second oppions that I wasnt do the wrong thing and i feel really good about what im doing and know we will be fine..I just didnt feel like i was being selfish at all because the degree is for both of us :) Thanks all who left oppions! I really Appreciate
Military - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You are doing the right thing. I told every one of my guys when I was in to PLAN FOR SEPARATION the moment you enlist. If you do that you can't go wrong. If you decided to re-up then you're sitting with a bachelor's degree and can choose an officer program possibly. So, you should do the same thing. Plan ahead for the separation. If you can go ahead and get a degree then it would be good for both of you.
2 :
yes you are doing the right thing. YOU need to do what is best for YOUR career too.
3 :
You must be young and in love if you are having this much heartbreak over less than two month's separation. Separation is a normal part of military life. Ignore the "everyone" calling you selfish - their comments say more about their issues than yours.
4 :
These people who think war means they will die, I knew of three soldiers who came home and died so just because they go to war does nto mean they will go over there and die, my husband almiost died two times, but God was with him, I mean miracles do happen over there, you just don;t hear about them and yes soldiers die, but the three I knew came home after deployment, and two died in a car wreck and one was gang related.
5 :
This decision is between the two of you and no one else. It sounds like you have thought this through very carefully and you are doing the best thing for your future together. Unfortunately, you are probably going to feel small regrets whichever choice you make. That doesn't mean that it was a wrong decision, just that some decisions are hard. I agree that it seems like other people are projecting their own issues on you. Good luck - you sound like a smart girl!

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