Monday, June 1, 2009

filipino nurses in germany

filipino nurses in germany?
my BF will be deployed in germany on may 2008. he sure does not want to not see me for the next 3 years..and is wondering if i can work as a nurse there. i heard that foreign nurses have a lower chance to be employed there because of the communication barrier. my question is, what are the things that i have to do, like is there a certain licensure exam that i need to pass like NCLEX or CGFNS for US countries? and what is the best approach that needs to be done to increase my chance of being employed? To Kengoller: the link is not working. is marrying him the only option? im too young to marry..its not that im not sure about him and our just too young as 21.
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : (theres a lot of advises for jobs in germany, incl. nursery)
2 :
Here is a novel approach - get the info from the next German embassy! Thanks for the kudos I deserve now.
3 :
Without speaking German you will have no chance to work in a German hospital. May be you can work in the American army hospital in Landstuhl. Try to get more information from this link.
4 :
If you can't speak fluent German you can't get a job. I assume he's in the military. Tell him to marry you so you can go with him.
5 :
Well sweetie since it is I you are writing about... We are too young to marry now but we have the potential to be a great if not the greatest Mr. and Mrs. ever... The thing is we are both very realistic and intellegent more her than me... We also see that the reality of divorce revolves around the fact that couples often rush and although we are in love the magic dust only lingers for so long. We want to be real partners first because life is a battle and we have to be unified fully tried and tested before we take that step. We both have high opportunity if we marry she can get citizenship and become an Officer in the U.S Airforce and I can get out and persue my business passion. But neither of us are Opportunist we are in Love and we want to approach this with advice and prayer... We are quite responsible for a 21year old poor girl from Pi and a 23 year old poor brother from the hood of Los Angeles... But we know what it is to witness divorce as both my mother and hers were single parents... We want to be together but we want to take our time so if there are options outside of marrying please inform us. Thanks

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