Friday, August 14, 2009

american universities in europe *germany*

american universities in europe *germany*?
so i am looking for american universities in europe, especially in germany, in order to get a degree in nursing. does anyone know of any schools in germany or some links that might help me? thanks
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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I went to this one. // But i personally do not recommend it because you cannot earn full accreditation if you want to continue your studies in the US. You can also try this one, which sadly i cannot join anymore (I wish i could have know before). they have great relations with american universities. (Very well known University). The famous and well respected Medical University in Germany is Heidelberg University. You can even study a semester abroad with this program Also, try // Also, you can try Freiburg University or Rostock University. Those are the only universities that are in my knowledge that have good relation with american universities and the accredditation is valuable in the States as well (important!!!! always look for accreditation!!! S.A.C.S in the most common one) and those universities i mention, have many english-speakers programs to get you started with the regular classes. Contact me if you need more help or suggestions. Good luck.

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