Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why didn't Obama visit the wounded troops and doctors and nurses while in Germany? He canceled on them, which

Why didn't Obama visit the wounded troops and doctors and nurses while in Germany? He canceled on them, which
must have dissapointed some
Politics - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are not wounded troops in Germany, there is no war going on there.
2 :
Some of his big money supporters would not want him seen as supporting the military, would be my guess. So, he went to the Ritz Carlton for a workout. Much more important.
3 :
well ur right, prob disappointed some but thrilled others...cuz the last thing i want when im laid up in the hospital is freakin Barack LUNCH-BOX Obama walking in my room stuttering and spitting all over me and my freakin I.V. tube...ugh, yuck!
4 :
Scheduling conflict? I only know the silly season is called that for a reason.
5 :
He can't visit everybody...I think it's great that at least he's there talking and trying to touch as many people lives as he can! Look at old man McCain...he's here talking about how he doesn't want to visit anyone until he's THE president...well it's not gonna happen unless you get your old lazy butt out there!!!
6 :
Because he can't handle the troops on any level. He is an opportunist and chose to try and emulate Kennedy and Reagan by speaking near the old Berlin Wall. What a boon.
7 :
Troops are just little people in the minds of elitist liberals. They don't count according to liberals.
8 :
He had to get back to his hotel and work out...didn't you hear?
9 :
Germany has a very large vet hospice for Iraqi troops and the reason he did not go was he said it is not right to be campaigning and visit troops. Too bad this trip is not campaigning. There are no votes to be won in Germany. He will have to do better than that.
10 :
And next you can complain that the secret service protection is costing too much: he needs to go more places and have less protection seems to be the theme of the day. You all are starting to sound like nags.
11 :
Curious is uninformed about wounded soldiers who are sent to Germany for treatment. I of all people an not an Obama fan but the Pentagon is now taking for not allowing Obama to visit the troops which is "fishy" but Obama did not increase his popularity with the military during his "visit' he just cemented his dislike of the military.
12 :
He knew you needed some new material to bash him with. Your proof is so convincing
13 :
Sadly, because Osama I mean Obama thinks they are traitors and he doesn't believe their sacrifices are worthwhile. This is just the latest proof he is TOTALLY UNPATRIOTIC! Peace

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