Wednesday, July 1, 2009

is there a US military/veterans hospital in Germany

is there a US military/veterans hospital in Germany?
arent severely-injured US soldiers flown to that hospital in Germany? is there a chance i could work at that hospital? im a 20 year old American female. i want to get my nursing degree, and then join the army as a nurse. do you think id get to choose where i'm stationed? Can i say, "i am interested in working at the military hospital in Germany". ? Also, if they knew i spoke German, do you think they'd place me in that hospital? thanks for any input.
Military - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yes there is thats where all our injured from iraq and afganistan go.
2 :
"The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC) is an overseas military hospital operated by the United States Army and the Department of Defense. LRMC is the largest military hospital outside of the continental United States. It is located near Landstuhl, Germany, and serves as the nearest treatment center for wounded soldiers coming from Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition, it serves military personnel stationed in Germany as well as their family members. A large proportion of serious casualties from the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters are treated here, flown in via Ramstein Air Base." wiki I don't know where they would station you but I am sure if you got a BSN you could join the Army and I bet they would honor that assignment.
3 :
4 :
You go where they need you, and they really don't care if you can speak German or not. You may end up at Landstuhl or you may end up at Ft. Leavenworth, or you may end up somewhere else! I'm not sure about the Army, but I know that AF officer corp only stays in place for 2 - 3 years, and the medical corp is not allowed to get an in-place consecutive overseas tour. (IPCOT)

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