Sunday, March 28, 2010

Working in Germany

Working in Germany!?
Hi! My Boyfriend is from Germany and is planning on moving back to the US permanetly, but wants to finish his BA first. I want to move to Germany to be with him until he finishes! I am going to school to be a nurse right now and will have my LPN license soon, but wnt to coninue to get my RN. I was thinking of going there for work....but don't speak that great of German, that could be a problem! Anyone worked outside the US and may have some advice for me?? I have to work if I move there, just not sure if I'm going to need to become fluent in german first! Thanks in advance :)
Baden-Wuerttemburg - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Look some US Government jobs for Germany.
2 :
you can look for U.S company here in germany. Because if you work with the german company it would be very hard for you. I have that experience in myself.Most German companies required good in oral and writing in german for a job.For any job you apply.My husband is a german but we spoke english at home. And you cannot work if you don't have the permit.You can only have it if you are married to a german or hired direct by a german companies.And if you are a student and studying in germany only limited time is allowed but i'm not that sure about this. You can check this site for looking an opening job. I worked in this US based company.Hope that it helps
3 :
Well, it would be a good idea to learn how to speak German if you are going to live there. However to work for a typical German company, you will have to speak, read, and write the language, unless of course you have some very high tech or special job that you are specifically hired for. I do not know a great deal about the job scene in relation to the health care business to give you any solid info there(I work for an international computer firm). The chances of you getting a job that would allow you to live in Germany are not that good. To get a Living AND Working permit is not that easy in Germany. Oh I am sure someone will have a different answer, but I am basing my answer on the info you have given, and my experience in helping others with a situation like yours. How long will it take your boyfriend to get his degree? And, I have to wonder: Where is your boyfriend now? Does he have a student visa in the US? The one way you can live in Germany and improve your chances of getting a job is to marry the guy - in Germany. That would get your 'Living Permit' going, then you could maybe find a job. The US Military is a possibility, but that depends on where you will be living? In Hamburg, Hannover, Cologne, Berlin, all of the former East Germany there are no US Bases. AAFES(Shopping and other services for US Military stationed in Europe) may hire you WHEN you are living here in Germany. The persons who work for AAFES are the spouses or family of US Military stationed in Germany, or Germans(Local Hires). But, check the website out for more info. My point is this; Your chances of finding and getting a Job in Germany are better if you are in country, With a German Living Permit(think Green Card). So, You 2 really in love? Good Luck
4 :
That will be difficult. You need a work permit. Usually you don't get that for nothing and nurses are not on the priority wave through list. Besides that fluent German would be a requirement for nursing.
5 :
Most Germans speak English,Just like other European Countries but still try to lear a little German.
6 :
Can you get a job on an Army base?

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