Monday, March 1, 2010

What is going on with the Florida judicial system of justice regarding the death of the 14 year old child

What is going on with the Florida judicial system of justice regarding the death of the 14 year old child?
The tape clearly show's guards beating and kicking a 14 year old black child in a Boot Camp" correctional setting" in Florida who is then dragged around the compound like a animal, while other guards and a nurse walk around watching this incident with approval. The child was being assaulted by several of the guards who slam him to the ground, kick him, punch him and bend his arms behind his back with such force, he is screaming in pain crying out for help. How can any person in such a care and control capacity be found innocent of causing the needless death after watching the film of this incident? I have not seen anything along these lines since I was stationed in Germany and visited the former Nazi concentration camp Dachau, where it show's actual footage of the camp confiscated from the Nazi SS during it's duration in a Movie Theater when you first enter, as it is a museum. The Nazi's were kicking and punching victim's, much the same way this 14 year old black child was assaulted!
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's called a trial. The system seems to be working pretty well. Now I'm sure the parents will now sue the gaurds in civil court-----which is also part of the system.
2 :
Now, now, now.........We must let the judicial system take its course, all the time realizing it is not perfect just as in the case of O.J. Simpson. Sour grapes, huh? Payback is something isn't it?
3 :
They should have been charged with assault. The boy did not die from his injuries, and that's why they were acquitted. He died of a previous undiagnosed condition. That's the law.
4 :
They were found innocent by a jury. You don't know much about the rules of a Florida Boot Camp. Do you think it was taped by accident?

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