Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is Israel Had Just Let the Flotilla Ships Dock at Gaza

What is Israel Had Just Let the Flotilla Ships Dock at Gaza?
Would that not have been an abandonment of the concept of Israel defending its sovereign territory? Would that not have been allowing a precedent to be set that ships with uninspected cargoes can come to Gaza? What would the effect of allowing such ships to come be? Has anybody in Gaza ever launched any missile at any town in Israel? Was the missile and all of its parts manufactured in Gaza? Or did the missile get brought to Gaza from somewhere else? What would happen to the innocent civilians in Israel if the people of Gaza had an unlimited supply of missiles to launch into Israel? Here's a list of nations USA, Russia, China, France U.K. Germany ---- How many of these nations would allow ships with uninspected cargoes to come into their ports? How many of these nations would abandon their sovereignty? How many of these nations would put their citizens at risk of death, when they could avoid that? Come on now, speak up! You in the back --- would you say "yes"? Nobody?? OK then let's not criticise the Israelis. Let's not be total hypocrites. Ah, you want to criticize somebody -- OK how about the leader of Turkey, who is the turkey behind this huge piece of nonsense. He could have closed it down in a heartbeat. But he let it happen, now people are dead, and injured. The Israelis followed all the principles of military law. They used the minimum force. They did not open fire with live ammo until they were mobbed and beaten with metal bars and chairs in a life threatening manner. Two Israelis were very seriously injured in the fracas, before any Israelis opened fire with live ammo, which they had to ask permission before they could do. All of this is documented on tape. It is beyond dispute by any rational person. Turkey should be expelled from NATO and suspended as a client of the World Bank. It has done big mischief, and plans to do more -- it has two more ships it is planning to send -- I guess it imagines that Israel will decide to abandon its sovereignty and national security ---- no --- it does not imagine that ---- it just wants to cause mischief and loss of life --- the world should send Turkey a message. If they do send more ships, just sink them. War at sea is not beanbag. We can't indulge lunatics at sea. International waters are not a lunatic asylum, and Israeli Naval forces are not patient care nurses in a lunatic asylum. Next ship gets sunk -- the activists can paddle home, if they survive the sinking. Let's have one of those nations that I mentioned tell me that they would not defend their waters or ports, or that if they would, they would do it with more restraint, grace, mercy, class, and valor than the Israelis showed in this case. We all know that China and Russia would grease this sort of monkeys in a heartbeat, with hellfire missiles, turn them into instant sharkfood and be done with it. So, let's not be hypocritical. For LTM --- I concur with the analysis in the article you posted. Israel in my view acted with valor, courage, and mercy, but a little sloppy under the laws of war at sea. There should have been shots across the bow. At 60 miles out, this could have been done for half and hour with lots of loudhailer work, and flashbang grenades, and 5 inch shells, and 20 mm cannon. Isreal could have communicated with stark and harsh larity that the sea is not a lunatic asylum and that the Israeli Navy are not psychiatric nurses, and that the activists are not patients to be cared for in a special treatment facility. The idea of boarding with a small and not overwhealming contingent of commandos was a bit rash. The paintball guns were absurd. Never bluff. These guys had to ask for permission to lock and load. By the time they got it their situation was so desparate that people needed to be killed. Hamfisted, but valorous, hugely courageous, totally merciful, and with restraint beyond call of duty.
Other - Politics & Government - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The way Hitler defended Germany...
2 :
they could stop the boats without any killing,I am pretty sure the israelian navy could just stop them why send soldiers?
3 :
What is a blockade? Is that something like a row of foxholes or bunkers? Should a bunch of peacenik backpackers challege it?
4 :
The boaters were in International waters. It was murder
5 :
I agree with most of what you've posted but expelling Turkey from NATO is a HUGE step. I think that should be avoided. Let's face it we have very few allies anymore and Obama has whizzed on several of them. I heard Hillary today lambasting Israel as though she was talking to Iran and it made me realize this current administration really doesn't have a clue what it means to be an ALLY. We can't be on both sides. There are times when we have to ignore the critics and stand by our allies come hell or high water. It looks like Turkey's leader is banking on a weak U.S. administration. edit..Woah have you seen this? "ISRAEL CONCERNED TURK NAVY WITH NEXT FLOTILLA" - from Drudge "Dozens of passengers who were aboard the Mavi Marmara Turkish passenger ship are suspected of having connections with global jihad-affiliated terrorist organizations, defense officials said on Tuesday, amid growing concerns that Turkish warships would accompany a future flotilla to the Gaza Strip.
6 :
Nice keyboarding
7 :
Don't buy into the propaganda by Muslin's. The "humanitarian" ship was provocative and caused the problem by not respecting the blockade. If a enemy Iranian ship sailed into New York harbor and we demanded to inspect the cargo (suspecting weapons), and they fought us. Our response would have been the same or worse. Would you worry what the "world" thought...I think you get the point.
8 :
There is no argument...........Israelis can try to damage control as much as they like but every human on earth has a choice to follow evil or distance itself from it. Orthodox Jews who were in anti-Israeli protest worldwide yesterday have taken a solid stand. They are the real Jews who have not been hijacked by Zionism, a terror driven religion of death and destruction. Most of all Deceit. Zionism has deceived Jews to turn into greedy, blood thirsty satanic like beasts. They get Settlement Land and Money in exchange for their souls.....they laugh at human suffering and try so hard to defend terrorism. The sickest part is that they TRULY believe what they stand for is right because they have sold their souls. FREE PALESTINE
9 :
I have no problem with the manor in which Israel handled the situation, except they were too lenient. My problem here is that the US is doing exactly what you suggest. Un inspected ships & cargo. Navigation systems in Chinese not English. Surrendering Her sovereignty & sending citizens/ border Patrol/ Regular Army in Iraq & Korea into battle without bullets in their guns until fired upon. Rules of order must change NOW! regaining some sense of sanity.
10 :
Too bad a NK sub wasn't there to sink the pirate ship.
11 :
All you want to say killing those aid worker was right as they were trying to help some hungry poor MUSLIMS with supply of missiles.
12 :
The problem is with zionists is that they think they are greater than others and GOD gave them license to do every thing. This makes situation worse.
13 :
The palestinians are not having an easy life. I dont even know why israel exists. As far as im concerned you leave you country for 2000 years dont get the hump when you go back there and complain that someone else is there. This is just as bad as the way the south african whites treating the native people there. Its a shame the israelis have pretty much started to resemble the people that tried to wipe them out in the 1940's. Tends to happen with bullies, you find out theyve been bullied themselves. It dosent help that the arab people of that area are not very level headed, and make angry rash decisions and can never seem to agree on any sort of comprimise. I have met a lot of israelis on my travels and they are without doubt the most unpleasant people ive ever encountrered, arrogant beyond belief and off their heads on any drugs they can get hold of. Ive heard that the IDF is basically just spring break with assault rifles anyway. 'How many of these nations would abondon their soverignt'? well its a totally seperate issue but much of europe is doing that, its called the EU. 'How many of these nations would put their citizens at risk of death, when they could avoid that?' Britain was told by the eu court of human rights that we could not deport 2 terror suspects back to pakistan because of the treatment they would recieve there, thus putting our own people at risk. (seperate issue but im answering the question) Israel just seems to do what it wants, what about the whole thing with the government stealing british passports, this wasnt some shady criminal group doing this, it was the israeli government, and using those passports to assasinate that hamas guy in dubai. As far as im concerned israel as bad news, and anyone from the usa cannot give me a thumbs down as pro-israel propoganda has been pumped through US society since the late 1940's.
14 :
To be honest with you, I have no idea why the Israeli government still talks to the Arab-fearing U.S. government. Every Presidential Administration from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama has lived in fear of another OPEC oil restriction, like we faced in 1973, which led to gasoline shortages and high gas prices. As a result, since 1973, every Presidential administration has tried to persuade Israel not to defend herself from any Arab-nation who wishes to wreak havoc and destruction in Israel. The U.S. government is so afraid of gasoline reaching $500.00 per barrel, that they openly criticize Israel each and every time Israel retaliates against Hamas, Hezbola, Fatah, or any other radical Islamic group that tries to harm Israel.
15 :
Israel attacked an unarmed boat (in international waters) that was trying to get through an illegal blockade...... Israel then killed 10 people, blocked communications from/to the boat and then dragged boat into an Israeli port. Israel kidnaps passengers off the high seas, manhandles them, jails journalists whose only crime is covering a story. And then Israel claims Self-Defense?! Israel had no problem running a UN arms embargo on apartheid South Africa. In fact Israel was racist South Africa's most important ally selling them whatever military/torture equipment that they wanted. How many kidnapping/murders on foreign soil does this make for Israel?
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