Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do you think the reason Germany has excellent socialized medical care because they support the educations of t

Do you think the reason Germany has excellent socialized medical care because they support the educations of t
Do you think the reason Germany has excellent socialized medical care because they support the educations of thier most academically promising students by free medical school, free housing and a small stipend. They have so many doctors there and such good health that the doctors make house calls along with nurses. When I went to the hospital with a German friend they did not even have a doctor on staff at night because the only people in the hospital were elderly who were in pretty good health but mostly were wheelchair bound so it was used as an extended care facility and there were very few in there who were elderly compared to the US. Are Banksters behind giving credit cards to illegals?
Other - Business & Finance - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think it is true, also Europe does not have the doctors/nurses/hospitals/insurance problems and crisese that the US has..........also not the health and obesity issues.
2 :
How about because the United States provides military protection for Germany, so they don't have to spend billions of dollars every year on a military budget, so they can instead, spend it on social welfare programs. Maybe if we'd let Stalin have ALL of Germany after WWII, they wouldn't have such a great medical infrastructure, now.

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