Sunday, February 1, 2009

Have any of you earned your nursing degree online, and if so, from where

Have any of you earned your nursing degree online, and if so, from where?
I´m a 1996 graduate from Indiana University, and live in Germany, but have always been interested in earning a nursing degree.
Health Care - 1 Answers
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In the US, it is very difficult, if not downright impossible, to earn your initial degree in nursing which makes you eligible for state licensure in an entirely online program. Most states require programs to have classroom time, and they definitely require a certain number of hours spent in clinicals. Living in Germany, US programs that are offered online will be of little or no use to you. Are you staying in Germany? Look into university programs offered there. And perhaps the German schools are structured differently. If you are planning on returning to the US at some point you should definitely ask how a German nursing education is applicable for transfer to the US. If you are returning to the US sooner rather than later, look into programs here that are labeled as "accelerated BSN" programs, they are for people like you who hold a previous bachelor's degree in another field and want to earn your bachelor's in nursing. Usually there might be a few pre-reqs to take (which might be able to be done online) and then you take all the nursing courses required for the degree. It usually takes about 1.5-2 years to complete if you go full time. Good luck.

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