Tuesday, September 28, 2010

the airforce reserves

the airforce reserves...?
i'm thinking i'm going to join the airforce reserves and become a nurse & go to college with the GI bill. some people say in the AF reserves you won't get deployed if you're a full time student... is that true? I don't mind getting deployed to germany or something for nursing but afghanistan on the other hand i worry about. and after basic and ait i here you go to tech school before college or something?? what's tech school about
Military - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The point of joining the military is to serve ur country if that means going to afgahanistan then that's where u go. The money for school is great but should not be ur only reason for enlisting. It's a big commitment. The chances of getting deployed in the reserves is low but there is always a chance and no u have no say in here you go. You go where the air force needs you that's what you signed up for. After boot you go to tech school to learn your job. School can be anything from a couple months to two years. You have to complete your training before coming back home to do drill and your local base. If this is something you want you should really talk to a recruiter
2 :
1. The military does not train you to be a nurse.l 2. The reserves do Not have the GI Bill. You enlist in the reserves, then you go to basic and tech school ( where you learn your job ) If you want to go to college, then you can go, if you can afford it. The reserves will offer about $7,500 per year in educational aid, you must pay the rest. 3. yes, you can be deployed i the reserves, even if your a college student.

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