Wednesday, May 14, 2008

bilingual....what can i do with it

bilingual....what can i do with it?
I speak german and english, both fluently,and I was thinking about moving back to germany, or if I stay in US it doesnt matter, I wish I could make money by being bilingual. anybody have any suggestons? actually I am into Nursing, I am still gonna get my nursing degree, but I was wondering If I could do something with my bilingual self? I appreciate any answer or give me a web page where I can look things up
Languages - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Translation, especially of medical documents, would be a good way to make money.
2 :
wow. very nice i can speak russian and spanish but not fluently though. Become a translator for people who need to translate german to english and english to German.
3 :
Definately look into an English Second Language (ESL) teaching program!
4 :
Translator is a great job.
5 :
Being bilingual in Germany will bring you more money than in the US, English to German is not as good as to German to English. Other than becoming a German teacher it is not much in the US good luck

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