Saturday, January 28, 2012

is it possible to become an RN through taking online classes

is it possible to become an RN through taking online classes?
i really want to become a registered nurse, but i don't know if i can do it online. i really have no other choice because i live in germany with my husband and military life requires us to move around a lot. if anyone knows if this is possible, i would like to know what classes should i take?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You would be hard-pressed to find a legitimate, accredited online RN program for non-nurses (there are several for RNs who want to further their education, but you need to be a practicing nurse first). Part of the problem is that so much of nursing depends on face-to-face, hands-on learning. It's one thing to know the proper technique for starting an IV, but quite another to actually do it on a real patient. Clinicals would be another problem. Chances are you would have to arrange for your own clinical experiences at local hospitals. It's likely that those hospitals would be unwilling to risk the liability of having a student without more substantial support from the school (like an on-site clinical instructor or preceptor). Moving around from place to place would make it even more difficult to arrange for placements, both for you and the school. Given that you are outside of the USA, this would only make things even more complicated, as rules guiding nursing practice can differ considerably from state to state, much less in another country. If you really want to be a registered nurse, you would probably need to commit to staying in one place for 2-3 years while you get a 2-year degree in nursing at a local community college or professional training school. If your goal is to practice stateside, I would suggest getting your degree in the US, as the approval process for foreign degrees can lead to lots of issues and delays in obtaining your final licensure.

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