Friday, April 1, 2011

Why do people continue to use cell phones/wifi when they emit deadly amounts of radiation

Why do people continue to use cell phones/wifi when they emit deadly amounts of radiation? Governments and organizations that ban or warn against wireless technology American Bird Conservancy and Forest Conservation Council: Brought a lawsuit against the FCC because millions of migratory birds are being disoriented by microwave radiation and crashing into cell towers Amateur Radio Relay League Bio-Effects Committee: “The FCC’s standard does not protect against non-thermal effects.” Australian Democrats: The “explosion in wireless communications technology” is causing widespread illness. Austrian Medical Association: Warns against Wi-Fi, cordless phones, and cell phone use by children. Ballinderry Primary School, Ireland: Removed Wi-Fi to protect the children. Bavaria, Germany: Recommends no Wi-Fi in schools. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The FCC’s exposure standards are “seriously flawed.” European Environmental Agency: Recommends wireless technology be avoided by vulnerable groups such as children. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): The FCC’s exposure standard “does not address the issue of long-term, chronic exposure to RF fields.” Frankfurt, Germany: Bans Wi-Fi in public schools. Interdisciplinary Society for Environmental Medicine (3000 physicians in Germany): Recommends banning cell phone use by children and banning cell phones and cordless phones in preschools, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, events halls, public buildings and vehicles. International Association of Fire Fighters: Opposes communication antennas on fire stations. International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety (comprised of scientists from 16 nations): Recommends limiting cell phone use by children, teenagers, pregnant women and the elderly. Irish Doctors Environmental Association: Warns that current safety guidelines are “not appropriate.” Karnataka State, India: Bans cell phones in all schools and pre-university colleges. Knowsley, Borough of, England: Bans cell phones in schools. Lakehead University, Ontario: Bans Wi-Fi on campus Madhya Pradesh, India: Bans cell phones in schools by both students and teachers. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): The FCC’s standard is inadequate because it “is based on only one dominant mechanism—adverse health effects caused by body heating.” National Library of France: Removed Wi-Fi and installed only cable connections. Paris, France: Removed Wi-Fi from four libraries. Prebandal Preparatory School, Chichester, England: Removed Wi-Fi from its campus Progressive Librarians Guild: Recommends no wireless technology in libraries. Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: Warns that cell phones are unsafe even for short conversations. Children under 16, pregnant women, epileptics, and people with memory loss, sleep disorders and neurological diseases should never use cell phones. Sainte-Geneviève University, Paris: Removed Wi-Fi from its library. Salzburg, Austria: Bans Wi-Fi in public schools. Sebastopol, California: Broke its contract to install citywide Wi-Fi. Stowe School, Buckinghamshire, England: Removed Wi-Fi from campus. Therold, Ontario: Broke its contract to install citywide Wi-Fi. UK Department of Education: Children under 16 should not use cell phones except in an emergency. University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute: Children should never use a cell phone except in an emergency. Voice (UK Teachers Union): Calls for a ban on Wi-Fi in schools. Ysgol Pantycelyn School, Carmarthenshirem, Wales: Removed Wi-Fi from campus.
Cell Phones & Plans - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
To answer your initial question, because they've become such an integral part of our lives. We can no longer imagine how to live without cell-phones, and are getting to that same point with wi-fi. And while we might recognise a risk, it's such a long-term thing that it doesn't really bother most people. The immediate benefits seem to far outweigh the long-term risks.
2 :
A bit like asking why do people smoke when they know it can cause cancer.It is something people have been used to and are not willing to do without.Now go and practise your football you will need to be good to beat lavey next year.
3 :
Lets talk facts, not fear. There are NO clinical studies that shows any relationship between exposure to RF fields as a bio-hazard. There is alot of speculation, and bad press, but not one clinical study. Here are some facts: Amateur radio operators, folks who are routinely exposed to RF fields 1000 times stronger then a cell phone for periods as long as fifty years do not show any higher incidence of cancer or any other disease as a group compared to the general population. In fact it is lower. People who work in the broadcast industry at transmitter sites where the exposure amounts are on the order of 10,000 times have the same health histories as amateur radio operators. The same is true for people who work on cell towers as a group. The same cannot be said for x-ray technicians, people who work at nuke plants, and other high nuclear type radiation workers. Hysterical people and the media are confusing RF energy and nuclear radiation. The truth is RF energy is not the same as nuclear radiation. Gamma & X-rays break down molecules by stripping away electrons. RF energy only causes heating of tissue in the worst case situation. The amount of heating at its worst with any modern consumer electronics is about 1000 times less than the heating you experience standing in a sunny place. It about 500 times less then the what you get from standing next to a radiator. Tissue damage from direct contact with a radiator (antenna) will burn much in the same fashion as a soldering iron if the antenna has thousands of watts radiating from it. The average cell phone put out milliwatts - minuscule in comparison. Actually if you hold a piece of Granite in your hand it is most likely more hazardous than a cell phone, since most Granites emit gamma radiation. Do you have granite in your home, maybe your kitchen counter-top? If you do then you have a radioactive counter-top! Is it enough to hurt you ... hmmm The ARRL comment above is taken out of context and in the complete text talks about the exaggerated risk of exposure to RF. Same for the quote from NIOSH. The EPA quote is a complete reversal, since the EPA reports actually says that the hysteria and "media coverage is seriously flawed in its basis", not the FCC standards. The FCC understands the lack of risks, the media hype and subsequent public hysteria about an issue that in reality has not been shown to exist in any study conducted. And there have been many studies conducted, all inconclusive. I see no studies in the above text, just hysterical responses by certain groups, and government reports taken out of context.

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