Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nurse or Dental Hygenist

Nurse or Dental Hygenist?
I was planning on going to Nursing school (LPN) in 2009 if i am accepted and everything goes as i plan. I am taking pre reqs now and i am only in my sec semester. Right now i am taking math (algebra) and biology (101). I am having trouble in bio already and i am thinking about doing to the DH program. I know both educations are not easy. I am still waiting for the day when i will finally get it all down. I am from germany so there is a huge language problem here..... Should i stay with the nursing or should i go with the DH? Thanks for all the help.
Dental - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you relly feel you want to be a nurse go for it, but if you havea any doughts maybe being a nurse is not for you.
2 :
maybe if you are finding learning it hard then maybe its not for you....what if you are needed in an emergency and cant remember something that you learnt. on the other hand maybe you would be a good nurse but cant get to grips with something like algebra. but with dental hygenist you will be cleaning peoples mouths (especiallly those with periodontis and smelly breathe) all day... id choose nurse lol. but only you can make that decision. what would you be happier doing and what do you enjoy more?? its about that
3 :
I am currently in dental hygiene school, but their is still a lot of biology that you learn. The bones of the skull, the muscles of the head, neck and mouth, arteries, veins, anatomy of the teeth. It is a little challenging, but you can get through it. Regardless of what you pick, you should like what you're doing.

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